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A member registered Aug 27, 2020

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What Tonio said ^

that, and while it didn't give us anything too exciting, it still fleshed out the relationship of Parker with the others more, his with Gil and the surprise Gil mentioned near the end

Thanks for clearing that up, by the way, does the site have an english equivalent? I've been trying to find them too for the best quality audio since the one i recorded (to listen to) sounds crooked and doesn't justify that of the game's, but I can't make sense of the whole site.

I have the audio file for that, not sure if this is allowed, but hmu on discord bonk#0209.

That's understandable, I just hope he takes it easier on himself. Thanks!

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Though I've only played with Mark's route as of yet, I still just love the game! Keep up the great work!

Oh yeah, and does this have a discord or is that just for patrons? Is it's the former, then where can I get the link?

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Haven't played the game much yet, but as soon as I saw the shelter reference, I immediately fell in love <3 I know this'll be good so keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

I love the game, just keeps me wanting for more, so keep up the great work!

I love that damn husky! Speaking of which, I'm having trouble getting to day 29. Does anyone know how to get to it properly? I did do the combination to get him to meet his mother but I wouldn't mind having an extra day if it gets to be with Shoichi!